Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sleepy in Seattle

Our flight was good, the US Immigration inspector we encountered was amazingly friendly and nice to the girls, and we picked up our car at the parking lot without a problem, once we figured out where Brian had packed his car key.

We said our goodbyes to Lily and Peyton, and Riley and we spent the night st the new Hilton Garden Inn, a pleasant property behind the Airport Doubletree.

Home  later today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Lengthy Experience at FRA

A comedy of (Condor) errors and incompetence but we’re aboard DE 2032 and should take off fairly soon.

Homeward bound...

At the Hilton Garden Inn FRA

Looks like we made it...

Bretzel smiles...

And even a well-behaved dog at the next table, quite common in Germany...

Last Trip of the Trip: Innsbruck to FRA

The girls slept in until 8:00AM and still had time for a relaxed breakfast complete with two cups each of hot chocolate.

From there it was a short walk back to the Innsbruck train station on a beautiful morning. We just noticed that this globe revolves.

We had a compartment with a table on the Austrian train from Innsbruck to Munich and played Spades.

In the Munich station we bought pizza and chicken for the girls.

Apparently DB subbed a train and the seat reservations were all screwed up. We were in our seats first but we’re riding backwards for four hours.

Frontwards or backwards we’re at least headed in the right direction.

And with 90 minutes left we’ve been riding facing forward since the train left Stuttgart.

And now with 15 minutes left until we get off, we’re moving at a good clip.

Through Innsbruck’s Old Town

Looking at the dates on some of the old buildings and enjoying, of all things, gelato.

Looking Down at Innsbruck From the Hafelekarspitze

We enjoyed some spectacular views before the fog rolled in. There was a little rain at the top of the first cable car, but no rain st the top.

The girls can walk to the very peak on their next visit.

What goes up...

Up the Hafelekarspitze in Innsbruck

It turned out to be a good day to walk through the Old Town over to the Hungerburgbahn funicular that carried us across the river and to the first of two cable cars that deposited us near the peak of Hafelekarspitze, an elevation of 7657 feet. Innsbruck’s elevation is 1,887 feet, making it a steep trip.

In the first cable car was a couple kissing so passionately that it was funny. Luckily we didn’t bump into them again.

The girls took a break on the playground while Brian experienced annoying difficulties buying a bottle of water.

They even met a little friend who could speak German and English fluently, as did her little brother.