Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wiener Schnitzel At The Vienna Waltz Do

We're looking forward to our fourth post-retirement trip to Vienna, where Kathy spent her junior university year a few decades ago.

We're coupling this visit with a Flyer Talk Do, one of those marvelous get-togethers in which locals organize an itinerary of dining and touring for the visitors. Here's the latest itinerary:

Servus and a warm welcome to Vienna, where some Flyertalkers have decided to stage the VIE Waltz-Do, from Friday September 17th to Sunday September 19th, 2010.

Our program for all three exciting days is starting on Friday with a great Schnitzel buffet, continuing to a great Sightseeing tour on Saturday and ending with a "Brunch in the sky" on Sunday. It's a weekend that should give you the best of Vienna and plenty of quality time to spend with your Flyertalk friends.

- Come together party at evening

- Austrian Airlines Event day at the Vienna Airport - official PRE DO Event - starting from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm
- Dinner in a local restaurant - (Figl's - famous for Wiener Schnitzel) - start at 7: pm


- Guided walk tour in the City Center of Vienna
- Lunch-Brake by your own, where you can visit maybe Cafe Sacher, .....
- Great sightseeing tour at the Schönbrunn Palace
- Dinner at a typical Heurigen 10er Marie with Waltz Dance Lessons - start at 7:00 pm


- Brunch in the sky at the Danube Tower from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
- szg's Bungee Jump from the Danube Tower - at 2:30 pm

No bungee jumping for us, but we'll be attending most of the other events and seeing old Flyer Talk friends from the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand, while meeting new folks from all over.

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