Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Traditional Korean Meal

Sunday morning we sleep in a little bit, and then head out for some sightseeing. We eventually find ourselves in a little restaurant street - somehow that happens whenever we travel with Tom - and are surprised to learn how many restaurants are closed Sunday.

Tom's perceptive nose finds us a traditional Korean restaurant with a courtyard entrance. It looks like a place not all that used to tourists, but they treat us well, and the food and service are impeccable. They also can offer us an English-language menu, even though none of the employees can can speak more than a few words of English.

If only our joints could handle sitting on those little mats. It's hard to tell from the photos but we're sitting on the floor with barely enough room under the table to stretch our legs, carefully trying to avoid kicking our table mates...

Other diners are enjoying their lunches as well, and don't seem to notice that Kathy is taking their photos.

This young octopus is complemented by a very spicy sauce.

Food, food, and more food. Tom seems to have ordered everything on the menu.

Brian puts up a brave front, but his legs are aching and his feet are asleep as a result of too much time in the lotus position.

Finally it's time to pay the bill, and to do our best to stand up and hobble out with appropriate dignity.

Ellyn poses prettily in front of the restroom outside the entrance, but decides after one look to forego the traditional squat toilet it contains and await a style more to her liking.

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