Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kitchen Capers: Sinking Feelings And Counter Points

Yesterday we had a sinking feeling as we removed our beautiful Artisan 16-gauge sink from its box, only to discover it was marred by a crease between the large and small bowls. Even we could put up with the unsightliness, it would be impossible to install.

Gulps resulted since we had ordered online and the sink had been delivered a month ago. A phone call to the seller, followed up by hastily e-mailed photos of the damage, led to a new sink being shipped immediately as we return the damaged one. Hurray for the Home Thangs online store, and kudos to Tanya, their charming and efficient representative.

So here we stand in our counterless, sinkless, and cooktop-less kitchen awaiting the arrival of the counter-top installers to take their measurements and prepare their templates.

There's going to some dining out around here for awhile.

And, right on time, two fine fellows show up from Precision Countertops to measure and to prepare templates for our new quartz countertops.

Things are starting to look up already.


  1. It's an adventure whenever projects like this are undertaken and it's a good thing that you both have an excellent sense of humour.

  2. We just enjoyed the best steak we've ever eaten on paper plates. Thank goodness the barbecue still works.

  3. Definitely the cleanest I've ever seen your kitchen look!


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