Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trains On The Brain

We're in the midst of converting our large bedroom / laundry room into two rooms, a bedroom and a laundry room.

To keep us motivated, we're already thinking about the second week of April, when six of us climb aboard the first of three Amtrak trains for a ride across much of the U.S., stretching from Seattle to Sacramento to Chicago to New Orleans.

We're taking the Coast Starlight from Seattle to Sacramento, including an overnight in our own bedroom.

We then hop on the California Zephyr and ride all the way to Chicago, including two nights in a bedroom.

After that we're ridin' on the City of New Orleans, just like Arlo Guthrie. Supposedly the dining is better, but we're taking this trip for the adventure, a common theme among Trip Advisor reviewers.

This is the deal we wrote about awhile ago. We're riding several thousand miles, have six nights in a bedroom with all meals included, all for 30,000 airline miles per couple.

Woo Woo!


  1. Replies
    1. Tom and Ellyn and Greg and June. We're going to have to go into training to get ready.

  2. That will be a really fun trip!!


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