Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

Let it snow, as Frank Sinatra and a bunch of other singers have sung.

We left fairly early this morning to drive down to Issaquah to visit with three of our favorite grandchildren.

The drive down was fine - I-5 is quiet at 7:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning - and we enjoyed ourselves immensely with Avery, Peyton, and Lily. Our activities included play, lunch at Red Robin, and ice-cream at Baskin-Robbins.

Driving home included wind and a hard driving rain from Issaquah to Everett, and more wind and snow from Bellingham onward that started sticking to the road on our drive back to Birch Bay.

It's nice to be home.


  1. We had 5-6 inches of snow overnight and flurries expected for the rest of the week so winter has definitely arrived. Looks like a White Christmas approaching in this neck of the woods.

  2. Enjoy it but we admit to not minding that we missed it during our recent quick visit. Despite the gloomy predictions for today's weather, it barely rained at all and we enjoyed some sunshine (along with some wind) on a quick walk around Birch Bay Village.


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