Saturday, November 10, 2018

New York City: Intrepid Museum

The weather was much better today and it’s only a two-block walk from Pier 90, where Insignia is docked, to this very impressive museum, based on and around the famous aircraft carrier.

We saved a few bucks buying our tickets online, and were through the front door and on the submarine Growler just after 10AM, beating the crowds.

Growler was a diesel-powered sub that carried nuclear armaments. It was only in active service for six years or so, and made for a very interesting walk-through.

Next we spent some time wandering around thenhuhe aircraft carrier itself - lots to see.

Finally we walked back to the large structure housing the space shuttle prototype Enterprise, a gigantic craft that lacked an engine and was tested as a glider.

Finally a peak at a Concorde. We elected not to pay extra to tour through it, as we’d walked through one somewhere several years ago.

There’s a lot to see in this complex and our two-hour visit gave us a brief overview. Well worth the stiff entry fees.

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