Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Hope Slide

As part of our whirlwind two-day mini-tour of British Columbia's Lower Mainland, we drive a few miles up the Hope-Princeton (Crowsnest) Highway #3. A few miles East of Hope, British Columbia, nestled at one end of the Fraser Valley at the mouth of the Fraser Canyon and the Cascade mountains, we show our Australian visitors an impressive and still somber sight.

The Hope Slide is the largest such slide ever to have occurred in Western Canada. This aerial photo, obviously taken not too long after the slide, reveals the devastation it caused.

We also found a nifty video of a motorcyclist riding from Princeton to Hope in July 2009 while testing a Sony video camera. It really captures the drive quite nicely, and there's a good view of the Hope Slide at the end of the three-minute video. It can be found here.

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