Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today's Successful Mattress Run

While that title might capture the attention of any FlyerTalk or MilePoint members, it doesn't refer to the mileage-run-type practice of staying in one or more hotels simply for the purpose of accumulating loyalty points or to reach a certain elite level.

What we accomplished today, after renting a U-Haul 5' x 9' open trailer, was to pick up a full double mattress and a single mattress at the Costco 40 miles south in Burlington Washington, where they had them in stock, and then to add a King mattress and twin box springs to the load at the Bellingham Costco.

After squeezing them all in - mostly stacked vertically - and tying them down, we took upwards of an hour to drive the ordinarily 20 minute trip from there to home, using back roads all the way, zig-zagging, and avoiding I-5 at all costs.

We made it. Now that's a mattress run.

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