Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pool Time In Phuket

Phuket (pronounced poo-KET) is a busy island with a multitude of activities. Still, we're at one edge of the monsoon season and our research has included accounts of other tourists who experienced seasickness and general unpleasantness on their outings to other islands.

Since the Hilton is a fabulous property, we've decided to spend most of our time here. Yesterday we walked along the beach adjacent to the property for a mile or two and dipped our toes in the warm ocean water. With red warning flags flying everywhere, even Tom decided against venturing out too far and challenging the undertows. Tom and Brian are comparing the relative pinkness of their faces after a couple of hours in the sun, and today will be a day to slather on the sunscreen.

We ate in the hotel's Thai restaurant (good) our first night and at the special seafood buffet (okay) last night. Tonight we'll probably grab a taxi and venture to one or another restaurants a little further away.

We'll also play more Spades, especially since Ellyn overcame her trepidation at partnering with Tom, one of the world's best Spades players, to defeat Kathy and Brian handily. In fact, our loss was ignominious but we're not ready to concede the entire tournament yet.

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