Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taj Mahal Or Bust

When Brian originally e-mailed Mr. Sinha, the owner of Four Wheel Drive India, he wrote that "We are interested in transportation from Jaipur to Agra and a visit to the Taj Mahal before being dropped off at the hotel we have reserved in Agra."

What with language barriers and all that, it was only after our mediocre but leisurely lunch stop at a tourist-trap type place along the road that it dawned on our driver we actually wanted to visit the Taj Mahal today, before it closed at 6:00 p.m.

From then on it was pedal-to-the-metal. These brief videos provide good examples of our entire drive through Agra as we approached one of the world's most famous buildings. In the second, you can hear Tom say, "This is pure chaos." In both you can hear our driver making good use of his horn.

On any future trip to Disneyland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride will never feel quite as wild to us.

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