Monday, May 25, 2009

The Great Barrier Reef in Brief

A couple of years ago we had the immense good fortune of spending a night on a "reef sleep" at Reefworld during a previous visit to Oz. As part of Oz Fest #6, we booked a trip out to the Reef, even though Brian wondered if the brief time there would be anti-climactic.

Not to worry - Kathy's 29th birthday May 24 couldn't have been better.

If you look carefully, you'll see irwin8417 enjoying a power nap in the submersible ride while GreenFireFlyer keeps a maternal eye on him, with Effrem in the background concentrating on the coral formations.

The bottom picture shows some of us Early Birds at our Green Island stop, including Mr. and Mrs. Falconea who were overnighting there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great pair of Corals!